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    Komoot now speaks French and Italian!

    Due to popular demand and the growing number of adventurers using komoot in France and Italy, the world’s favorite route planning and navigation app is now available in both French and Italian.

    Go Further with komoot Premium

    World-leading route planning and navigation app launches new subscription based Premium product. The all-new komoot Premium is a feature-rich package tailored to its community members who wish to t...

    Komoot releases new Garmin app update

    Komoot, the world’s leading route planning and navigation app, now brings additional value to its users who track their rides and hikes with Garmin devices. The new app is available for 40 Garmin d...

    Komoot Maps have gone HD

    Komoot have upgraded their maps to a high-definition feature that’s even more user-friendly and detailed. Now, their super-charged maps benefit every type of adventurer, whether the goal is to bag ...

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